
This website is still under development. I’m a Seoul-based writer, copy editor and proofreader who has worked with words for most of the past 25 years — at newspapers, government organizations, translation companies, and most recently two PR agencies. My work has appeared in The Korea Herald, The Korea Times and Groove Korea.


Canadian (native English speaker)

Status in Korea

Permanent resident (F-5 visa)

Writing samples, Groove Korea, 2014-2015

Editing sample, Groove Korea, 2015 

Article and photos by Alex Nems

Writing samples, The Korea Herald, 2018-2019

Korea’s vegan scene, through the eyes of an expat, part 1 (PDF)

Korea’s vegan scene, through the eyes of an expat, part 2 (PDF)

Homeless animals in Korea: Finding homes for those who fall through the cracks

Writing samples, The Korea Times, 2014

Expats volunteer to care for neglected dogs

New cafe promotes intercultural exchanges

Writing sample, The Korea Herald, 2009 

The ‘Daejeon 150’ down to the ‘Asan 70’ (PDF)